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Who Is A CRCFM Partner?

Individuals, families, businesses, and churches that regularly pray and sow financial seeds into the good soil of to help spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the world. CRCFM’s vision is made possible by the financial contributions and product purchases of caring people just like you.

 CRCFM Is Good Soil

Ours is the type of soil that promotes growth and produces results. Around here, we call it 100-fold soil. That's soil that is pure and free from doubt, fear, disobedience, and sin. We are extremely serious about our responsibility to keep this ministry pure and productive by daily walking in faith and total obedience to God's Word. We value every seed and consider it a holy, precious thing. Not only is your seed destined to produce a harvest for you; it will also enable us to spread the Gospel throughout the world.

Under our Umbrella?

Restoration Community Outreach Ministries, Pastor Tonetta Robinson and Overseer John W. Robinson Jr. Columbia, SC

Faith Deliverance Outreach Ministries Bishop John W. Robinson Jr., Newberry, SC 

Liberty Victorious Life Ministries, Bishop Shawn Collins and 1st Lady Lorrine Collins, Orlando, FL

Tent Ministry, Bishop Mike Boyd and Evangelist Reta Boyd, Kissimmee, FL 

Calvary's Rock Church, Bishop Kim Moses and Pastor Rachelle Moses, Buffalo, NY

La Roca del Calvario, Bishop Arturo Canales and Pastor Sonia Canales, Sierra Vista, AZ 

The Link Youth Church (CRCFM), Pastor Gloria Daniel, Sierra Vista, AZ 

Kingdom Order Fresh Oil Ministries, Bishop Frank J Boyd and 1st Lady Shirley Boyd, Queens, NY

Calvary's Rock Church SV, Bishop Andre and Evangelist Audrey Sexton, Sierra Vista, AZ



Positive Image Sports, CEO - David Jones

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